Contact Us

Q: How can I become involved / stay informed?
1. Once your membership application has been processed, you will be subscribed to our listserv. You will be receiving important announcements, upcoming events, membership activities and updates, job postings, and other relevant information by staying subscribed to this listserv.

2. Join our Facebook group and LinkedIn today!

3.  Contribute an op-ed column or a featured article for our newsletter! Contact executive officers if you would like to propose an idea. It could be a short, reflective piece or a scholarly piece on a timely relevant topic.

5.  Attend our annual conference during AERA. Come enjoy refreshments and meet and greet old and new faces!

6. Host a regional gathering in your local area! We have many members spread throughout the U.S. and Korea. Meet and get to know other KAERA members near your institution or when you visit other cities for upcoming conferences or business travels. The full list of official KAERA members and their contact information is available upon request.

7. Donate! (We are grateful for any time, financial resources, and skills you are willing to give and share.) Contact us if you would like any support in making this happen.

Q: What are some other KAERA membership benefits?
1.  Professional networking: Get connected to a growing network of 500+. Potential opportunities for future intellectual collaborations, job announcements, and career planning.

2.  Fellowship: KAERA also knows how to have fun! It is important to us that we also enjoy being together. During the AERA annual meeting, we plan for informal social gatherings and fun outings to build relationships and support one another.

3.  Scholars Program: We recognize promising scholars (doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, or junior faculty) with a financial stipend to support conference-related travel expenses and to support the intellectual development of scholars’ research.

Your membership is critical for the continuation of our organization!
Q: How can I become involved / stay informed?
1. Once your membership application has been processed, you will be subscribed to our listserv. You will be receiving important announcements, upcoming events, membership activities and updates, job postings, and other relevant information by staying subscribed to this listserv.

2. Join our Facebook group and LinkedIn today!

3.  Contribute an op-ed column or a featured article for our newsletter! Contact executive officers if you would like to propose an idea. It could be a short, reflective piece or a scholarly piece on a timely relevant topic.

4.  Attend our annual conference during AERA. Come enjoy refreshments and meet and greet old and new faces!

5. Host a regional gathering in your local area! We have many members spread throughout the U.S. and Korea. Meet and get to know other KAERA members near your institution or when you visit other cities for upcoming conferences or business travels. The full list of official KAERA members and their contact information is available upon request.

6. Donate! (We are grateful for any time, financial resources, and skills you are willing to give and share.) Contact us if you would like any support in making this happen.