
2023 KAERA Conference Registration Now Open

Dear KAERA members, The 2023 KAERA Conference is approaching. See the poster below for detailed information about the conference and register for it through this link. See you soon in Chicago!  * Please update your member information through our website. Sincerely,  Elena Son Communication Director

Call for abstracts for conference on Korean education

Dear KAERA members,  Please refer to the call for abstracts for the conference on “K-education revisited: Achievement and challenges of Korean education” organized by Dr. Byun. The deadline is March 1st. If you have any questions about the call please contact Dr. Byun (szb14@psu.edu).  Sincerely,  Elena Son Communication Director


Purpose: As part of its efforts to broaden membership, Korean-American Educational Research Association offers the Michael B. Salwen Scholars Program to support travel expenses for doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, or junior faculty. It is more than a financial stipend. This Program intends to intellectually support the development of Scholars’ research as well as professional mentoring …


2023 KAERA Leadership Opportunities

Dear Colleagues,  The Korean-American Educational Researchers Association (KAERA) is looking for candidates for the following leadership opportunities starting fall 2023:  Vice President/President-Elect (2023-2024): Roles and responsibilities of VP include assisting the President’s executive and administrative tasks; participating in Executive Group and Board of Director meetings; serving as the Chair of the Nominating Committee; and serving as President …

2023 KAERA Leadership Opportunities Read More »

[Project ARISE] Calls for Korean and Filipina/o/x American Families

Subject: Calls for Korean and Filipina/o/x American Families  저희 연구팀에서 Dr. Charissa Cheah (UMBC), Dr. Cixin Wang (UMD) 교수님 감독하에 한인가정/아시안가정의 코비드기간 중 적응과 12-17세 청소년 자녀가 있는 가정의 회복력, 정체성, 참여에 대한 사회화 과정을 이해하고자 하는 Project ARISE (Asian American Resilience, Identity, Socialization, and Engagement)을 진행 중입니다. 연구 참여 조건? 본 연구에 참여하시려면, 참여를 원하시는 부모님은한국인 또는 필리핀인이어야 하며, 청소년 자녀는 12-17세이어야 합니다. 다문화 …

[Project ARISE] Calls for Korean and Filipina/o/x American Families Read More »

2023 KAERA Annual Meeting Information

Dear KAERA members,  We would like to share more information about our approaching annual meeting. Theme: Reimagining Education Research for Sustained Practice to Challenge Inequity in the Korean and Korean Diaspora Contexts Location: Chicago Date: April 13th, 2023 Time: 4 pm – 9 pm Program: This information will be released next month.  Happy Lunar New Year!  …

2023 KAERA Annual Meeting Information Read More »

REMINDER: Outstanding Research Paper Award Call for Submissions (2023)

Dear KAERA members,  The KAERA (https://www.k-aera.org/) was established in 2009 with the aim of assisting Korean and Korean-American researchers and students to advance knowledge and practices in education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve educational conditions and serve the public good. The KAERA Outstanding Research Paper …

REMINDER: Outstanding Research Paper Award Call for Submissions (2023) Read More »

Korean Society for Educational Evaluation 2023 Winter Workshop

Dear KAERA members,  Please refer to the information on the 2023 Winter workshop organized by the 한국교육평가학회.  안녕하세요.  한국교육평가학회 사무국입니다. 한국교육평가학회에서는 “2023년 동계 워크숍“을 온라인으로 진행하고자 합니다. 교육통계 및 측정 분야 최고 전문가분들의 다양한 강의를 들을 수 있는 좋은 기회인만큼 학회원분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 워크숍 일정, 등록방법은 아래 포스터 참조부탁드립니다. (그림이 보이시지 않는 분은 첨부1 포스터 참조부탁드립니다.)  강의 소개 …

Korean Society for Educational Evaluation 2023 Winter Workshop Read More »

Call for abstracts for conference on Korean education

Dear KAERA members,  Please refer to the call for abstracts for the conference on “K-education revisited: Achievement and challenges of Korean education” organized by Dr. Byun. If you have any questions about the call please contact Dr. Byun (szb14@psu.edu). Sincerely,  Elena Son Communication Director

ABIM summer 2023 psychometric interships

Dear KAERA members,  Please refer to the attached file for information about summer internship positions at the American Board of Internal Medicine.  If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Danielle Lee (dlee@abim.org). Sincerely, Elena Son Communication Director